Title 3

Target : 100 skips per set but If you get tired, do at least 60. Total sets: 5 Total Calories Burnt: 75-100 in 5 Set

1. Skipping

2. Mountain Climber

Target : 80 (40 - each leg) per set. If you get tired, do at least 50. Total sets: 5 Total Calories Burnt: 40 - 80 calories in 5 Set

3. Burpees 

Title 3

Target : 15 Burpees per set. Try to hit at least 10 for the best results Total sets: 3 Sets/Workout Total Calories Burnt: 50 - 100 calories in 3 Set

4. Flutter 

Target :  80 per set (40 per leg), try to get to minimum 50.  Total sets: 5 Total Calories Burnt: 30-50 in 3 Sets

Target : 30 per set. Minimum 20. Total sets: 5 Sets/Workout Total Calories Burnt: 30-50 in 3 Sets

5. Crunches