yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Take a deep breath first inhale and exhale !!

cholesterol – when someone hears that they have a high level of cholesterol. They immediately got trauma but I want to pacify them because many studies show that with regular particular physical exercise, we can overcome and level the cholesterol level but it takes a little bit longer than the medication .cholesterol can increase for many reasons it varies from person to person top reasons are bad food habits, eating dairy products, genetics but they all are curable. down below I will mention 5 yogas that definitely help you.

can yoga reduce high cholesterol levels?

Many studies show that yes but no one is 100% sure because the result comes out after a long time. By performing some exercise we can improve health function, and immunity, and reduce stress levels which is the main cause of bad cholesterol.

1. Seated forward bend

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides


  1.  From the Staff pose, inhale the arms up over the head and lift and lengthen up through the fingers and crown of the head.
  2.  Exhale and hinge at the hips, slowly lower the torso towards the legs.  Reach the hands to the toes, feet or ankles.
  3.  To deepen the stretch: A) Use the arms to gently pull the head and torso closer to the legs.  B) Press out through the heels and gently draw the toes towards you.
  4. Breathe and hold for 3-8 breaths.
  5. To release: A) Slowly roll up the spine back into Staff pose.  B) Inhale the arms back over your head as you lift the torso back into Staff pose.

2. Seated spinal twist

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides


  1. Sit cross-legged with one leg folded in front of the other and your back straight.
  2. Bring your left hand to your right knee and place your right fingertips on the mat behind you. Inhale, sit up tall—lengthen your spine. Exhale, and twist from the base of your spine to the right.
  3. Make sure that your spine is straight before taking the twist and keep your eyes at eye-line.
  4. If you’re unable to sit cross-legged with your back straight, sit on the edge of some cushions or blocks to lift your hips up higher than your knees.
  5. Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths on each side. Inhaling to lengthen your spine and exhaling to deepen the twist.

3. Child’s Pose

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides


  1. Sit on your heels. Keep your hips on the heels, bend forward, and lower your forehead to the floor.
  2. Keep the arms alongside your body with hands on the floor, palms facing up. (If this is not comfortable, you can place one fist on top of another and rest your forehead on them.)
  3. Gently press your chest on the thighs.
  4. Hold.
  5. Slowly come up to sit on the heel by uncurling the vertebra and relax.

4. Legs up the wall

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides


  1. Sit with your right side against the wall, with bent knees and your feet drawn in toward your hips.
  2. Swing your legs up against the wall as you turn to lie flat on your back.
  3. Place your hips against the wall or slightly away.
  4. Place your arms in any comfortable position.
  5. Stay in this position for up to 20 minutes.
  6. To release the pose, gently push yourself away from the wall.
  7. Relax on your back for a few moments.
  8. Draw your knees into your chest and roll onto your right side.
  9. Rest for a few moments before slowly moving into an upright position

5. Wheel pose

The wheel is a more advanced pose that is best suited to more experienced yogis. Before performing wheel posture, your spine needs to be warmed up. The wheel stance could benefit the body’s openness and vigor.

post yoga to lower cholesterol and triglycerides


  1. Begin by lying on your back with your feet flat on the ground, and your knees bent and spaced apart by hips. Stretch your arms out on the floor close to your body, fingertips touching your heels.
  2. Put your hands beneath your shoulders and firmly press them into the mat. Keep your elbows close together.
  3. Inhale as you press down into your feet and hands, and exhale as you press up, first to the top of your head and pause. Replace your arm bones into your shoulder socket.
  4. Lift up into a full wheel while pushing onto your arms. If you’re first learning the posture, your arms can be bent. As you relax your head, continue to lift your chest.
  5. Take several long breaths. Step your feet forward when you’re prepared to come down. Roll your spine down one vertebra at a time while tucking your chin towards your chest.
  6. For a few breaths, bring your knees together and spread your feet.
  7. If desired, repeat up to three times

key takeaways

  • Eating habits, genetics, and less physical exercise mostly are the reason for bad cholesterol
  • Bad cholesterol can reduce by all these physical exercises. And these activities control the future development of cholesterol
  • All yoga should be done after a good warm-up.If any yoga causes any type of problem please avoid it

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